Joint Master Class of TU Braunschweig and SIMTech – Immersive learning in the Model Factory@SIMTech
Prof. Dr. Herrmann (IWF, TU Braunschweig) conducted the joint Master Class for 25 participants from industry, public agencies and universities from October 9-10, 2017. Participants undergo experiential learning with actual hands-on on facilities and manufacturing equipment in the model factories of SIMTech and from the Technische Universität (TU) Braunschweig, Germany. The participants would make real energy efficiency decisions from the Nerve Centre of the Model Factory @ SIMTech and, and also see how their corrective actions improve the factory energy efficiency.
A most popular solution for energy efficiency improvement nowadays is still the plug-and-play, replacement of inefficient equipment. But the big bulk of energy used in the operations is still very much looming in the dark. Without looking into this “black box”, there is nowhere to device any energy saving initiative to further reduce corporate energy use once those “low-lying fruits” were replaced. To succeed in this, we need to make the black box visible and ultimately control it, and fortunately, by leveraging on the design principles of industry 4.0, we have a platform to do so! The two most relevant design principles of Industry 4.0 to energy management are namely, Information Transparency and Technical Assistance. Information Transparency refers to the creation of digital plant models with extensive energy relevant data mimic the real physical context that how the total input energy is used. This requires the aggregation of raw sensor data to higher-value context information, and performing very large data analytics. Next is to act on these information timely and eventually control the anomalous energy usage almost real-time.

Participants of the master class discussing supported by the team of Prof. Dr. Christoph Herrmann (here: Max Juraschek, IWF, TU Braunschweig) tools such as the Energy Management Matrix
The Master Class is based on a highly successful professional 40-hour “DieLernfabrik” (Learning Factory) course in TU Braunschweig. This course is first of its kind tailored for the Singapore industry, and will be conducted in a unique, immersive learning environment – Model Factory@SIMTech.
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